tending to my realm
im just trying to survive and exist, focus on anything but the outside, and get my brain working again. this is under construction and links will break and things won't work for a little while. please be patient with me.
everything here is free to be used. i'll have contact info so y'all can let me know if you use oneshots or have questions!
things that make my brain happy:
- dungeons and dragons
- my cats
- weird books
- drawing weird shit
anixety but make something from it.
i am just in the process of locking my computer down and making it secure. i don't know why, but i allowed my security and privacy to slip. VPN, secure browser, OS shutup, all now installed and working. i have always valued privacy when it comes to online spaces, and with the switch of government coming up, it is now more valuable than ever before.
i'm sat here with a lot of anxiety about what the future holds for me and my loved ones. all i can do is exist quietly and do as much mutual aid as possible. because of the snow, our unhoused community is suffering far more so i have planned a food drive for tomorrow at a holiday party. no gifts,just food and essential items for the folks in our town. i obtained a list of whatis the most helpful right now and i have made sure that my folks are bringing only that. if one more person insists on bringing an unopenable tin of chopped tomatoes, i'm going to throw a theory book at them.
this is a link to a very good paper on mutual aid.link to accessible. PDF i have always struggled with community work, as i am unable to drive and a lot of it requires that where i live. something is better than nothing. don't be an individual. we need a community right now. form one where you are, no matter how small. it will make a difference.
snow day!
it snowed a ton today. missouri used to have harsher winters and i miss them. ive spent most of the morning and lunch just trying to figure out this whole website thing but my boss called me. he has a big ol' truck that can drive through anything, so i am going to work. no snow days for me!
i'm 90% sure it is just so three of us can hang out in the kitchen and get drunk together. i don't think we'll get any customers today. and my cat is so comfy on my lap as i type this. (his butt is soo stinky though, so im not too upset about the prospect of leaving him lmao.)
forgot how to code
i used to do this for fun more, and i went to school for it. after six years doing nothing with code or computers in general, it is very hard to re-learn. it's like forgetting a spoken language. im doing this before i leave for work to get the brain going though, and will likely do it after im back. (i work very late into the night)
read more
this site has been helping me with resources, as well as the few reddit posts that don't make me feel like im a child.
pics & my life!
a collection of pics to get to know me
from left to right: morrison (my twelve year old cat) and my partner, me (back in early october 24'), goblin (my four year old cat), my fav place in the world, and my partner and goblin cosy on the couch. we try to live a quiet slow life style with low lights and naps anywhere we can.
we're both mid-twenties and dragging ourselves through jobs to make bills. but we are happy. we play board games together some nights, other times we just sit and watch tv shows together. we've been together for six-ish year. we obtained our cats by just being handed them. they both have feline herpes and i love them more than i thought i could ever love something.
my gender is nothing. i am just teddy. i use non-binary to describe myself to older folks and cisgender people. for other trans and queer folk, i say i use they/them and don't wish to have a gender.