Roll a D20!

yours truly

what am i doing?

i swap hobbies and interests like people swap clothes but also have life long loves. i go through phases that come and go, but my heart will always lie with the Bethesda Fallout games. i love their game enegine, which i know is an unpopular opinion. i love starfield and skyrim. but every fallout game (more some fallout 4) is the love of my life.

what i'm into, reading, watching, etc.

DND one shot
orb meme goblin meme

i am currently elbow deep in creating a one-shot for five friends.

my partner is in a band who have all decided they want to give DND a go. they didnt want to commit to a whole campaign without playing first. so it is now on me to create a one-shot to creative and exciting that they want to commit to months, maybe years, of having me as a dungeon master.

i have decided to make the one-shot full of humour and a lot less serious than i would normally. i have taken inspiration from The Wild Sheep Chase as i loved playing this one and it is easy to scale down and adjust to players wants/needs! it was originally created for 4th & 5th level players, but i have it scaled to 1st level players. i have taken the concept and created something i believe my players will prefer. tavern instead of walking down a road, dwarf instead of half-orc, kobold instead of human. i want them to get a well-rounded one-shot while also keeping their attention as much as possible.